Fluke TC01A Mobile Thermal Camera
Fluke TC01A Mobile Thermal Camera
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Fluke TC01A Mobile Thermal Camera adalah kamera thermal portabel yang dirancang untuk mendeteksi suhu dan menganalisis kondisi termal suatu objek atau area. Kamera ini sangat berguna di berbagai industri, seperti perawatan fasilitas, pemeliharaan peralatan, serta diagnosa termal di bangunan dan instalasi industri.
- 256 x 192 piksel, kualitas gambar detail
- Kisaran suhu 10 ~ 550 ℃, cocok untuk digunakan dalam banyak aplikasi
- Sensitivitas termal 50 mk (0,05 ℃) untuk perbedaan halus
- Akurasi ±2% atau ±2 °C untuk memastikan hasil yang andal
- Kecepatan bingkai 25 Hz untuk perekaman video yang lancar
- Sesuaikan tampilan gambar dengan lebih dari 10 palet warna standar atau khusus
- Jangan pernah melewatkan detail apa pun dengan pengambilan suhu tinggi dan rendah secara real-time
- Emisivitas yang dapat disesuaikan untuk diaplikasikan dengan material yang berbeda
- Analisis suhu komprehensif untuk titik, garis, dan area, didukung dengan perangkat lunak seluler pencitraan termal profesional
- Alarm suhu waktu nyata untuk respons tepat waktu terhadap kondisi abnormal
- Mode pengambilan selang waktu otomatis
- Perbandingan gambar inframerah dan gambar terlihat untuk mencari, membandingkan, dan mengarsipkan
- Tahan lama. Uji jatuh hingga 1 meter, perlindungan masuknya IP54
TC01A | TC01B | |
Performance specifications | ||
IR resolution | 256 x 192 | |
Pixel size | 12 μm | |
Temperature range | -10 ℃ to 550 ℃ | -20 ℃ to 550 ℃ |
Temperature accuracy | ± 2% of rdg or ± 2 °C, whichever is greater (@ 23 °C ± 5 °C ambient temperature) | |
Temperature measurement distance | 0.25 to 5 m(* -20 ℃ to 10 ℃, only for 0.25 to 3 m) | |
Frame rate | 25 Hz | |
Warm-up time | 1 minute | |
Focal length | Fixed focal length: 3.2 mm | |
Shutter mode | Built-in automatic shutter | |
Thermal sensitivity (NETD) | 50 mK | |
Spectral range | 8 to 14 μm | |
Field of view (H x V) | 56° x 42° | |
Spatial resolution | 3.81 mrad | |
General Specifications | ||
USB Interface | Type C | Lightning |
Operating temperature | 0℃ to 40 ℃ | |
Storage temperature | -30 °C to 60 °C | |
Operating humidity | 10% to 90% RH, non-condensing | |
Power consumption | 350 mW (Typical) | 200 mW (Typical) |
Drop test | 1 m | |
Ingress protection | IEC 60529: IP54 (with Type C cover) | IEC 60529: IP56 |
Operating altitude | 2000 m | |
Storage altitude | 12000 m | |
Dimensions (L x W x H) | 60 x 33.5 x 11.2 mm | |
Weight | 22 g | |
EMC | International IEC 61326-1: Portable Electromagnetic Environment CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A Group 1: Equipment has intentionally generated and/or uses conductively-coupled radio frequency energy that is necessary for the internal function of the equipment itself. Class A: Equipment is suitable for use in all establishments other than domestic and those directly connected to a lowvoltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes. There may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in other environments due to conducted and radiated disturbances. Caution: This equipment is not intended for use in residential environments and may not provide adequate protection to radio reception in such environments. |
Korea (KCC) Class A equipment (Industrial Broadcast & Communications Equipment) Class A: Equipment meets requirements for industrial electromagnetic wave equipment and the seller or user should take notice of it. This equipment is intended for use in business environments and not to be used in homes. |
USA (FCC) 47 CFR 15 subpart B. This product is considered an exempt device per clause 15.103. |
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