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Fluke 117 TRUE RMS Digital Multimeter

Fluke 117 TRUE RMS Digital Multimeter

Regular price Rp 5.550.000
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Fluke 117 TRUE RMS Digital Multimeter adalah pengukur True-rms CAT III 600 V ringkas yang dilengkapi antarmuka yang mudah digunakan dengan lampu latar terang untuk lokasi kerja yang lebih gelap. Ini menghemat waktu Anda dan memungkinkan Anda berpindah dari satu pekerjaan ke pekerjaan lain dengan lebih cepat. Dengan memutar tombol dengan cepat, Anda dapat memperoleh pengukuran untuk:

  • Resistance
  • Continuity
  • Frequency
  • Capacitance
  • Min/Max/Averag


Maximum voltage between any terminal and earth ground 600 V
Safety IEC 61010-1: Pollution Degree 2
IEC 61010-2-033: CAT III 600V
Fuse for A input 11 A, 1000 V FAST Fuse (Fluke PN 803293)
Display Digital: 6,000 counts, updates 4 per second
Bar graph 33 segments, updates 32 per second
Operating temperature -10°C to +50°C
Storage temperature -40°C to +60°C
Battery type 9 volt Alkaline, IEC 6LR61
Battery life 400 hours typical, without backlight
Accuracy Specifications
DC millivolts Range/resolution 600.0 mV / 0.1 mV
Accuracy ±([% of reading] + [counts]): 0.5% + 2
DC volts Range/resolution 6.000 V / 0.001 V
60.00 V / 0.01 V
600.0 V / 0.1 V
Accuracy ±([% of reading] + [counts]): 0.5% + 2
Auto volts Range/resolution 600.0 V / 0.1 V
Accuracy 2.0% + 3 (DC, 45 Hz to 500 Hz)
4.0% + 3 (500 Hz to 1 kHz)
AC millivolts¹ True RMS Range/resolution 600.0 mV / 0.1 mV
Accuracy 1.0% + 3 (DC, 45 Hz to 500 Hz)
2.0% + 3 (500 Hz to 1 kHz)
AC volts¹ True RMS Range/resolution 6.000 V / 0.001 V
60.00 V / 0.01 V
600.0 V / 0.1 V
Accuracy 1.0% + 3 (DC, 45 Hz to 500 Hz)
2.0% + 3 (500 Hz to 1 kHz)
Continuity Range/resolution 600 Ω / 1 Ω
Accuracy Beeper on < 20 Ω, off > 250 Ω detects opens or shorts of
500 μs or longer.
Ohms Range/resolution 600.0 Ω / 0.1 Ω
6.000 kΩ / 0.001 kΩ
60.00 kΩ / 0.01 kΩ
600.0 kΩ / 0.1 kΩ
6.000 MΩ / 0.001 MΩ
Accuracy 0.9% + 1
Range/resolution 40.00 MΩ / 0.01 MΩ
Accuracy 5% + 2
Diode test Range/resolution 2.00 V / 0.001 V
Accuracy 0.9% + 2
Capacitance Range/resolution 1000 nF / 1 nF
10.00 μF / 0.01 μF
100.0 μF / 0.1 μF
9999 μF / 1 μF
100 μF to 1000 μF
Accuracy 1.9% + 2
Range/resolution > 1000 μF
Accuracy 5% + 20%
Lo-Z capacitance Range 1 nF to 500 μF
Accuracy 10% + 2 typical
AC amps True RMS (45 Hz to 500 Hz) Range/resolution 6.000 A / 0.001 A
10.00 A / 0.01 A
Accuracy 1.5% + 3
20 A continuous overload for 30 seconds max
DC amps Range/resolution 6.000 A / 0.001 A   10.00 A / 0.01 A
Accuracy 1.0% + 3
20 A continuous overload for 30 seconds max
Hz (V or A input)² Range/resolution 99.99 Hz / 0.01 Hz
999.9 Hz / 0.1 Hz
9.999 kHz / 0.001 Hz
50.00 kHz / 0.01 Hz
Accuracy 0.1% + 2
1. All AC voltage ranges except Auto-V/LoZ are specified from 1% to 100% of range. Auto-V/LoZ is specified from 0.0 V.
2. Temperature uncertainty (accuracy) does not include the error of the thermocouple probe.
2. Frequency is AC coupled, 5 Hz to 50 kHz for AC voltage. Frequency is DC coupled, 45 Hz to 5 kHz for AC current.
2. Temperature Range/Resolution: -40°F to 752°F / 0.2°F.

Jual Fluke 117 TRUE RMS Digital Multimeter dengan harga murah dan cari produk terbaik lainnya dari kategori alat ukur Multimeter merek Fluke Gratis biaya pengiriman untuk wilayah Jakarta dan dapat dikirim ke seluruh Indonesia.

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